
Kampachi Japanese Restaurant @ Johor Premium Outlet

Top: Apple and berry tea, RM18 per pot refillable; bottom: Goma (sesame) ice cream topped with a piece of blueberry, RM14.

The tea was just ordinary which we could get at any other tea shop.
The ice cream is rich in taste, true sesame fragrant, however, I don't think I have to spend that much to enjoy it in Japan itself ~_~

Soft shell crab maki, RM50. Giant rice handroll with giant criispy soft shell crab which can be a main course of 1 pax.

Gintara Teriyaki set, RM50. Teriyaki grilled cod fish fillet with sides of prickled zuchini, miso soup, white rice, sauteed radish slices, soy sauce eggplant, and fresh fruits.

Chirashi don, RM50, raw fish sashimi (tuna, salmon, octopus) topped on vinegared rice, with sides of prickled zuchini, miso soup, white rice, sauteed radish slices, soy sauce eggplant, and fresh fruits.

In general, the freshness, quality and taste of food is good. However, the service are slow and inexperienced, taste is not value to money compared to other locally available Japanese Restaurant. What a disappointment.



Location: Blk 152, Serangoon North Ave 1

Located in neighbourhood, the only place you could find a decent thai cuisine restaurant at more affordable price and homey delicacies.

Homey restaurant which most staffs are thais. Even the Thais in Singapore would pay a visit here for homesick i think.

Sweetened red-dyed chestnut with lychee in ice, I've ordered a less-sugared one, and it tasted just right.

Stir fried KaiLan and spicy KangKung. Tasted like ordinary chinese cuisine beside it's more sweetened.

Massaman Chicken curry - worth a try as its not available everywhere, and its a new try taste really different from other local curry we used to eat before. The gravy was nutty-full with coconut milk and not too spicy.

Fried stuffed chicken wings, crispy skin with soft minced fish cake stuffed in within, goes best with thai chilli sauce

Thai steamed fish - fish was fresh catch, juicy and soury in taste which is very appetizing

Service was quick and above average, friendly. ALL Dishes served within 30mins. Tastes and quality of ingredients used are above average of neighborhood restaurant, and the price is reasonable compared to other Thai restaurant in town. Worth a try. Air-conditioned but with open concept of the restaurant, its abit too warm to dine-in during hot days.


High Society Tea Club

Location: The Shoppes @ Marina Bay Sands

Grilled Cod fillet with fungi, lettuces, caviar in cream sauce...

pan fried scallops pasta in garlic butter

In general, the main courses are too small in portion, not a good place to have main courses. But it's good place to have high tea with good desserts and coffee.

P.s./ just like its name, do expect to pay high society price for the high tea.

Iced Mochaccino

Berries fruit tart

Soul Thai Restaurant

Location: 3-G, Jalan Bestari 3/5, Nusa Bestari

This is a thai restaurant, attaching next to its Thai reflexology and spa centre. Relaxing interior, while waiting for companions receiving spa service, the others can spend time having meal at the restaurant. Or you can just dine-in without the purpose of going to spa.

Iced plum tea, nice new try you can't get else where.

Dessert - cendol sago sweetened chestnuts in coconut milk

Well, the taste is just so-so.

Seafood rice noodle salad, spicy and sour very appetizing to be a starter.

Deep fried kangkung, 1st time trying fried kangkung which surprised me that Kangkung can be fried too! To go with a special sauce provided, otherwise it will be too dry to go with rice.

Steamed squid rings, its not fishy at all with the soury lime juice, very appetizing as well, best goes with steamed white rice.

Tom-yum gung, the portion is definitely too much for two person even though this is the smallest portion to choose from.

Pineapple fried rice

Price is reasonable (considered cheap compared to other Thai restaurants), proportionate with the serving sizes, average service, cozy dining area, good taste. Worth to visit!


小兽医大脚印 (三)不赌博的我,今天下了注,赌一口气,赌一条生命

其实在我任职的诊所,几乎天天都有确诊的狗瘟病例,有的住院,有的拿药回家照顾。。。 什么样的狗主都见过,今天却来了个狗主,行为很可恶又可耻。


这个男人,有一只在他手里养了1个月的土狗,两个多月大,向来很活跃,突然两天不吃东西,拉肚子还有血。 这些症状我们兽医一看通常都会拿测试器检验狗狗是否已经患了一种叫犬细小的狗瘟。 一验是阳性反应,BINGO, 是得了犬细小没错。

我给狗主两个医疗选择:1)住院吊水 , 2)拿药回家照顾

狗主听了费用, 再听了我的解释说患狗瘟存活机会是50:50, 即说:“它只是一条狗,还住什么院?! ” , 还说:“反正都会死, 何必医!”。 这两句话其实也不只是他一个人说过,我都听麻木了, 都能忍受,反正是他自己造口业。

但这个男人还嫌狗瘟检验贵,问我为什么还给它验狗瘟, 我回答:“你带狗来看医生就是想知道狗生了什么病, 我若不给它做检验怎么能证明它的确是得了犬细小? 我若只是依症状配药给你带回去喂狗吃药,要是哪天狗狗突然病死了,哪知你会不会怪我给错了药害死小狗?!”我继续说:“之前也试过有狗主总爱在事后责怪怎么没有检验清楚,一定是兽医给的药过量!” 这男人听后支支吾吾,没有马上回答。 (这种人最有可能在事后把责任推卸给兽医了!)

既然明白这男人肯定不会让狗狗留医, 于是我把开好了的药交给男人, 要他回去给狗吃。 但他竟然说,“ 都中了狗瘟,我不给它药了,回去就把它丢了!” 丢弃病狗的人我也司空见惯, 但那些人都是偷偷暗地里做 , 这么认真勇敢地在现场多人面前说出口的,这男人是第一个! 我很气,但还是可以好好控制情绪,向他解释说,狗瘟不是绝症, 即使是50% , 还是有很多狗最后战胜病魔活了下来, 不用这么快给它判死刑! 男人又再连续说了几遍他回去就会把狗丢出去, 还说他养过很多条狗,死了就算了。 我又告诉他:“你要不要拿药医这只狗, 我无权过问, 可是你把一只患有狗瘟的狗丢出去,会造成附近的狗狗们都被传染同样的病,造成更多狗死亡, 我不希望你制造一个大恶源!” 男人听了不爽, 自己承认说他不在乎, 不要狗死在家里就是了,我问他难道制造恶源良心可以过得去?! 他竟然呛说:“我良心过得去, 不能丢出去, 那我丢在你诊所里算了!” 我听了愣了一下,答:“可以, 那我会给它吊水,给它治疗,把它医好后再找人领养它!” (我咽不下一口气, 我在赌气, 我不甘心一条生命就这样被丢弃, 那好, 就丢给我吧, 我跟你赌一把,我赌它会活下来!) 男人是惊讶,但他还跩了一句:“就当狗是你的了。”

最后男人付了门诊及检验的钱后, 头也不回地走了。 (虽然收这种人的钱都觉得龌龊,但总不能跟钱过不去)

与男人一同前来的女人, 在我和男人的对话过程中都只是静静地,不多发言,也只是跟着男人走了。 (我心里想, 如果这个女人跟这个男人有什么关系,最好趁早离开他,不然哪知哪天女人患了绝症也是被丢弃在医院里。)

于是,狗狗进院吊水接受治疗了, 目前情况稳定, 我对它的信心挺大的, 祈祷它快点好起来, 给它找户 好人家。


2011 年 3 月 27 日, 小狗已经完全康复了, 而且也经过隔离期, 如今已注射预防针,现在正式公开找人领养, 希望快点帮他找到一个家!




2010年12月21日,本地光华日报刊登了一篇文章 , 题为“大才小用Too Expensive ”。 本来是与身为兽医的我无关,但某啦啦兽医的地位在文章的最后一段被贬低实在让人气愤。于是包括我在内还有好几名同行同时也表达不满,把不满回复电邮给光华日报编辑,但编辑很没种,没有给以任何回复。身为大众媒体这么不负责任真的令人失望。



大才小用Too Expensive

法律系的学费TOO EXPENSIVE,MAN。2A2B学生邱玮乔的遗言,说中一个自爱学生的心声,也道出了天下家长的牵肠挂肚:金钱不是万能的,没有钱确实万万不能。


随着英国决意2012年开始调高学费,从目前每个学年的3290英镑上调9000英镑;邱玮乔的学费,可能因此涨至一年5、6万马币。算到这里,邱玮乔怎么不会控诉:TOO EXPENSIVE,MAN。


TOO EXPENSIVE固然是障碍,但是,当前的问题所在,当然不仅是2A2B的学生,为何不能修读本身拟定的第一志愿;而是国内法律学额内定的录取标准,到底如何取舍?

邱玮乔不是历史的No. 1,不是榜末唯一的一位,当然也不会是最后一位。2008年马来西亚STPM状元江韵儿连同她的班上九名学生因为没有获得理想科系,选择远赴对岸的新加坡大学或者南洋理工大学深造。


嘿,埋没人才的代价才是TOO EXPENSIVE,大才小用的代价才是TOO EXPENSIVE。结果槟城钟灵中学的许文远流放到新加坡当上卫生部长,这样的代价难道不是TOO EXPENSIVE?

一个马来西亚,一个邱玮乔,一个未了的心愿。我们只能一如邱玮乔的堂哥,劝请失意的同学,“尝试申请其他科系”:做不了医生,就当牙医;当不上牙医,就修药剂。药剂系也进不了?读个不会TOO EXPENSIVE的兽医吧,横竖都是Dr嘛。





我是毕业于本地博特拉大学, 来自新山的一名兽医, 执业号码xxxx。

看完了贵报二零一零年十二月二十一日的 ‘大才小用Too Expensive’这一篇文章后, 觉得莫名其妙, 整篇文章写得头头是道,的确人才流失是事实,的确很多优异生没被分配到自己理想的科目也是事实, 但为什么最后那一段非得牵扯到兽医??!!

贵报身为大众传播媒介,应该给与大众正确的观念,而非草率误导望子成龙的华裔父母, 横竖也是Dr, 要儿女硬是考取一个cheap 的兽医Dr。

要成为一名合格兽医并不容易, 需念五年课程,到各个禽畜农业领域去实习,人类的医生只需了解人类一个物种而已,兽医起码要熟悉猫狗马牛羊禽类及甚至其他野生动物的生理各方面。

什么是不会TOO EXPENSIVE 的兽医? 2A2B 会很优异吗 ? 本人也曾是4A优异生。
如果真那么立志想要达到理想更应该努力去考取更好成绩, 证明自己的实力, 没有人会有任何理由不把理想科目分配给优异生。

看完了这篇文章后, 本人的自尊心多少受创。 所以自尊心驱使下,决定对该文章做出回复。 希望贵报可以为不实内容做出更正,以免误人子弟,甚至误导大众对于兽医的专业。




从来没想过会要写些什么关于当了兽医后的记事,毕竟自己不算文学精英,但最近觉得有越来越多值得写下的事物。或许有一天自己不再当兽医了,还可以回头再看看这些记事。 真正激发我把当兽医的经历写下的人是巴林先生,一个我只见过一次面的退休老外。

话说有一天,一对老夫妇来到宠物诊所,太太是华人,先生是老外,应该是退休年龄。 老外先生先是花了个几分钟在观详贴在墙上的价钱表,上面有列明一些普遍服务的收费,而后请柜台帮忙请兽医出来。而我那时正好就站在柜台旁,他们很有礼貌的跟我打了个招呼,再很有礼貌地问我方不方便让他问我几个问题,我答当然没问题!

原来老夫妇有一只年届10岁的老狐狸狗,最近刚好来红,有一天一个不小心给她溜出家门,主人很担心这么老的狗若是真的被外面的狗交配,高龄怀了孕,该怎么办。通常不小心被交配了,若是主人不想让狗生产,我们的建议是给母狗做节育手术,堕胎针或避孕针的副作用很多,所以很少建议,除非主人坚持。但是老先生的顾虑是母狗这么高龄了,动手术的风险非常高。后来我又问多几句了发现原来母狗只是溜出去少过十五分钟,主人并没有亲眼看见母狗有跟其他狗接触。 我解释给老先生说,狗狗成功且完整的交配需要大概半个钟,母狗只是溜出去十五分钟,遇到其他狗并交配的机率几乎是零。老主人这才松了一口气,因为老狗不需要动手术也不必打针了。 老夫妇很感激地道谢,因为我帮他们解开了疑问,问我这样的询问十五分钟是否需要付费?!嗯,目前为止我们诊所这类型的询问还没有收费,免费! 老夫妇如释重负,很开心的离开了。


那是一个简单的包装,里头是一本书,是James Herriot 著写的 James Herriot's Favourite Dog Stories. 书里夹着一封道谢信,是老外先生,巴林Barlin写的,信里还留下了他的电邮地址。他写道:“Yours is the most worthwhile job there is (您的职业是世上最值得的)”; “希望你喜欢这份礼物,我在英国曾认识James Herriot。”

兽医界的同仁,无论国籍或年龄,一定都知道James Herriot, 而我是小时候通过一位笔友知道James Herriot的,在那之前已经立志想当兽医,看了他的书则更向往成为一名兽医。(那位笔友的故事会在下一篇记事里分享)只可惜,现实当上了兽医还真是不简单。。。

通过巴林先生留下的电邮地址我给他回了信,说身为兽医的我,都是应该的,不用客气。他也再次回复我说:“你的职业是无价的,我把三种职业评为最重要的-- 音乐人,农夫,和兽医。你也可以写一本关于马来西亚兽医的书。”

嗯, 看了巴林先生回复的电邮蛮感动的,果然跟前辈沟通常会有enlightenment。没错,农夫很重要,农夫生产粮食饲养牲畜,没有农夫我们就会饿死; 音乐人制作音乐可以影响聆听者的情绪;兽医给动物治病,没有兽医所有人类都不用吃肉,吃死肉好了,食物链大受影响,没有兽医会有很多很可怕的疾病从动物传染给人类,人类会灭亡,没有兽医大家都别养宠物了, 等等等 。。。

但实在很可惜,兽医的地位到现在还是那么卑微 。。。


Ayukawa Japanese Buffet Restaurant

Location: Taman Sutera, Johor Bahru

Price: RM59.90++ /pax Dinner, that would be RM65 after tax included.

Deep fried mushroom, I think this is one of the very few must try dishes.

Ebi Tempura (Prawn)

Mushroom Chawanmushi (another choice is shark fin chawanmushi), is another hot choice

Salmon sushi, I don't think the raw salmon is fresh enough

Unagi sushi, is even worse than the one we could get from a supermarket.

Scallop tempura

Soft shell crab tempura, again, is even worse than the one we could get from a supermarket.

Overall tastes are just average, with poor service. And I could even see flies in the self-service sauce bar.... With the price of RM65, I can easily get a sumptious delicious dinner at any other ala carte Japanese Restaurant with better fulfilment of my tastebuds. Will not recommend a second try of this restaurant.


New Zealand trip Day 4 - Queenstown --> Christchurch

The Final Day of our New Zealand trip, it is indeed a very short trip....

Early morning 7am, the sun was not really up yet. Looking out from the balcony of our hotel room, we could see the mountains covered with snow, it was only -4C! Freezing cold...

Imaging waking up every morning looking out at this scenery, I think people here must be happier than the others.

Okay, at last glance around our hotel, tourism is really a big business here, there were more hotels than residential houses.

And then, we were on our journey driving back to Christchurch.

At road side, there were people stopped their car at a side and ran up the hill to play with the snow.

All the way from Queenstown to Christchurch took us about 7 hours driving. Each sides of road were sheep, deers, cows, swine and horses.... every where around New Zealand. It is indeed a country with livestocks populations many folds more than the residents.

A sheep in the ranch, drawing our attention.

I've never seen any free ranging swine in Malaysia before, our swine are all staying in very squeezy houses.... Are these free ranging swine happier?

Herds of cattles, we made a mistake winding down the car window to take the picture. And the heavy smell of ammonia immediately rushed into our car and almost killed us! Those ammonia came from the cow dungs! I can imagine how much electric power can be generated from the gas there!

Once arrival at Christchurch city centre, we rushed for our last minute shopping at this wool products factory outlet.

They are selling wool products at up to 70% lesser than retail price!

And these are what we got, at 50% lesser than retail price.

The factory outlet we visited were just one of the few factories which are still operating. Most of the others in the city centre were destructed during the previous earthquake in February.

Some of the buildings there were still under reconstruction.

Some were left untouched, fenced up, restricted entrance.

And some roads were closed. GPS map that we had no longer up to date in this case.

These buildings were left abandoned....

And this is a brand new McDonald outlet operates after the one in the city centre destructed. It was built outside the affected area.

And finally, we headed to Christchurch Airport, dropped our rental Camry at valet and checked in for flight return to Malaysia.