
to CRY or NOT to cry over an animal's death

Our beloved Lola, the most cheerful and friendly Labrador ever, was finally being put to sleep (euthanized) by VO on Last Friday.....

May Lola rest in peace.
We really love you so much.

Lola had been living a sad life during her last part of life, suffering from a skin problem that cannot be diagnosed, underwent all sort of medication and dietary trials during her skin therapy, being abandoned by her owner due to her high maintenance fees for medication and her ugly appearance due to loss of hair caused by the unknown skin problem. Ever since abandoned by her owner, Lola had been staying in our UVH small animal ward for over a year. Not much improvement of her skin problem since... she was always playing around students and personnels in the ward and slowly she was forgotten by time.

Looking at Lola always remind me of my own Kiro. She had always reminded me of not to abandon Kiro just because his incurable skin disease. A dog's life is also a life. And Kiro has only me and my family as his closest kins. I could imagine how Kiro will be living like if we ever abandoned him.

Ever since I knew about the plan of having Lola put to sleep, I really wish I have the ability to adopt Lola from the economical wise. I'm only a student who has no income. How am I going to afford her much higher medication and hypoallergic diets than Kiro's? While I'm already having big problem like Kiro, can I still afford to keep her with me? Eventually, all these constraints stopped me, and there gone Lola.....

I was not at the scene while Lola was being euthanized. According to Pn. Haslina, some of the students there cried over her death.

The next day when Pn. Haslina was telling the story, she also commented that a Vet or a Vet student should not be crying over an animal's death, especially in front of the animal's owner or others, that we have to be professional.

I do agree with her. That's very true that we should not show emotions over an animal's death, especially when most of the times there will be owners who are more sad than we do. We should be comforting the owners rather than crying shoulder by shoulder with them!!!

However, always emotions are the hardest ones to control. We couldn't help but just crying..... maybe it's still best to cry in our blanket, in our own room, when we are alone...

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