
Night @ Jalan Dhoby

Location: Jalan Dhoby, Johor bahru


Chinese Fish Soup, very ordinary veggie soup, afew pieces of fish meat slices+ lettuce+ baby corns+coriander

Ice blended cappucino

Chicken chop with mushroom sauce, which was once rated 4 stars by The Star 2003. Also just an average chicken chop, it 's a good chop but not to be rated 4 stars yet.

Fish & Chip

It is weekday night, and this cafe fully seated. I wonder what is so special about it that people are willing to come to this isolated place to eat....

Roost Cafe
A very old shop lot, u can still smell the tinge of mold of old wood. A place for a tea break. Serving yogurt blended fruit juice.

Yogurt blended fruit juice served in a pail-liked container.

Mango Tango & Strawberry strips

Whole wall of Lomography at the back


Mayday 变形DNA无限放大版演唱会 2010



这是新加坡国家体育场在关闭后, 第一次开放, 也将会是在翻新前最后一次开放。 

五月天以往每年来到新加坡开演唱会, 都呛声说要把演唱会带到户外, 带给更多人, 今年特别把 《变形DNA无限放大版演唱会》 带来新加坡, 势必要延续去年在台湾高雄万人演唱会的热潮。 

只可惜, 在热带国家还得看天公做不做美, 开场前就已下了一个下午的倾盆大雨。 

其实已经连续好几天下了大雨, 当天在场外四周都挂上了像这样的晴天娃娃, 希望演唱会不用淋雨。。。

虽然开场前雨停了, 但场内的草地全都浸水了, 观众们被迫踩着烂泥到各自的座位去, 报销了很多双鞋子不够, 双脚都沾满了黑泥!

很大颗的气球在天空中向对面也在同一天开演唱会的S.H.E.示威 !


人山人海, 人生海海


演唱会原定晚上7点半开场, 却变成了7点半才让观众进场, 8点半了都还没开始, 不少迫不及待的观众都等得不耐烦了, 站上椅子探看五月天会从哪个角落出来。


当全场灯光一暗下来, 所有观众都不约而同站起来欢呼演唱会终于开始了!

基本上演唱会的流程,曲目,特效等等都与去年的创造DNA演唱会大同小异, 这一场黄丝带喷出来也是一样的特效。


或许是在户外的关系, 无法如同室内般让全场黑暗, 灯效方面让人觉得较室内演唱会逊色!

本来噱头是变形金刚是今次演唱会的主角之一, 五月天也称之为第六名团员, 但一个被雨淋湿而无法如常操纵的机器人, 顿时却变成了当晚的一个大冷场+大配角。 

阿信穿着跟去年一样的stay real T-shirt,  我也是有备而来, 穿了相同一件噢!

五月天最厉害带动全场气氛, 要观众们举起双手, 手牵手一起唱歌!


户外演唱会大手笔的燃放了一分钟多的烟火 (室内演唱会绝对做不到), 让观众看得目不转睛 (新加坡很难看到烟火的, 马来西亚就看到腻了!) 

才晚上11点半, 五月天就带领台上工作人员一起鞠躬致谢代表演唱会结束了!
但所有在场观众仍意犹未尽, 不舍离开, 一直逗留场内不停地喊着“五月天”(希望五月天会再出来唱歌)直到十二点了工作人员收拾器材把舞台拆除并告知演唱会真的结束了, 观众才一一离开。。。
演唱会结束了, 但真感觉不够味, 还没high到就得离开了, 喉咙都还没喊哑。 很多闽南语歌曲都还没听到, 比起去年是差了不少! 还是去年是在太棒了, 无法超越??!!
不过即使这样, 还是会期待下一次的演唱会。 


Lazio Italian Restaurant

Location: Danga Bay, Johor Bahru

It is an Italian Restaurant, located at Danga Bay where the row of international restaurants situated at (side by side with Asiana Restaurant, Kong Inn Seafood Restaurant), with superb view of Danga Bay and waterfront.

Gosh, it was friday night when my bf and me visited it for my Bday celebration, and there were only 2 tables of dining in customers (including us....). Maybe because of the heavy rain "=_=

The appetizer was this thin crusty pizza bread, served with vinegar and olive oil. I'm used to have barguette slices with vinegar +olive oil+butter, this is my 1st time trying pizza bread in Italian Restaurant. Quite nice, very crispy with a tinge of garlic butter.

This cocktail -- Pink Lady, really tasted like a cough syrup made me puke.

The soup of ocean goodness.... this tomato cream soup with seafood can make a good pasta sauce but too thick and salty for a soup...

Our appetizer was Chicken Ham Quiche, I like the soft and beancurb-liked egg with the combination of onion and ham.

Main course 1 - Pan Fried Salmon Steak, served with some sauteed cabbage (tasted awful, I hardly touching it at all), coleslaw, and a butter-stuffed mushroom (I like it but I wonder why are they so stingy to serve only 1 little mushroom??!!which only fit as a bite size), mashed potato under the thick pan fried salmon (I bet there was at least 150gm of it, very generous gigantic portion).

Main course 2 - Braised Lamb Shank served with sauteed mushrooms, mashed potato (again) and onion rings. The lamb was really very very big in portion (fit for 2), at least it really tastes good.

Tiramisu, for dessert, looks good, tastes good. But I'd still expected more from a true Italian Restaurant.