I think I'm suffering from the so-called "Technology Dependency Syndrome (TDS)".
I was so depressed once when both my mobile phone and laptop conked off. I couldn't concentrate in my daily life. I was not paying attention during the lectures, restless, refuced to talk and so-on blah blah blah....
All I was thinking that time was how to fix the problem, what happen, what am i going to do without them, especially when that time I lost my almost completed write-up assignment in the non-functioning laptop! And the stupid harddisk was screw-locked so tight inside that I couldn't even retrieve it! I spent the whole day burying myself in the pile of screws and screw driver, almost wrecked my laptop into pieces already and still couldnot get the things out. I couldnot eat and sleep properly when I can't fix the problem....and then I cried for 2 days until the problem solved.
And then came the problem of internet connectivity. The stupid broadband internet provider -- TELEKOM STREAMYX has got the stupidest customer service hotline operators and technical supports. There were very poor communication between the operators who make the line faulty report and the technical supports who fixed the line. Our line could not connect to the internet for the whole month and nothing was done! ANd all they know was to charge as much as they can! Why the problem is so obviously with the main line itself and yet they keep trying to convince us that the problem is in our house line??!! and the technical support ppl actually knew it was the main line problem and they never inform and report to the centre??!! To fix the problem we have to make so many times of calls, repeating so many times of the same story same process going on and on and again, so frustrating!
And then the life without internet for a month in the house was so miserable. We have to go to the faculty to get access to internet to do assignment.... so inconvenient. And if the problem persisted, we will anytime terminate the line instead.
And THEN, the life with and without mobile phone is still the same problematic. There were so many times, that the mobile in my bag or pocket rang and vibrate but I missed. And there were so many times, as if I was imagining the vibrating sensation and the ringing sound that I took the mobile out only found that it was all nothing??!! And I've read an article on newspaper before, many ppl had the same sign of TDS also, ha.
Having so many hi-tech gadgets around is certainly improving the life quality. But I really don't like to be suffering TDS....
前几天小胖才跟我聊到, 最近我们的朋友少了很多, 以前一有空就得忙着应酬朋友, 到处去喝茶, 手机不离手, 联络网大到像卖保险的, 在家坐静静的时间都很少。
我们两个以前都属于朋友圈中的联系人, 什么喝茶聚会一定都是我们办的,或负责联络人, 因为以前我们都觉得朋友很重要, 总是会主动去与别人保持联络。
但人长大了, 现在我们也不约而同发现其实朋友不用很多, 合得来的, 交心的, 几个就够了。。 。
而当我们不再主动去约人的时候, 真正的朋友就自然被过滤凸现出来了。 会主动联络我们的才是真正把我们也当朋友的人, 还关心我们的朋友。不再联络的朋友我们都会慢慢地从电话联络簿中删除, 免得占位了!
现在饮茶, 聚会, 我们都也选择性的出席了。 因为要是我想见到某位朋友, 会自己约出来聚聚, 在人多的聚会里, 最后也是一群人一群人归类的坐在一起, 自己聊自己的, 没意思。
其实随着成长过程, 人生历练, 我自己也在慢慢改变中, 同时我身边的人也会一直在改变。 这个阶段遇到投契的人就在这个时候成为要好的朋友; 下一个阶段, 各自有了不同的人生目标, 各自分道扬镳。 我领悟到了, 好朋友不一定是永远的, 不适合的时候就应该看开点, 放开手, 让他人可以勇往直前。 这个时候适合就一起出去, 就珍惜大家在一起的美好开心时光, 假如不能长久, 将来分开了, 也是一段美好回忆。
我曾经有交过各式各样的朋友, 理念不同的就已经很少联络了, 还彼此珍惜的就还有常联络。
有些朋友是寂寞的时候会来找我们, 有了男女朋友后就会消失无影, 失恋了又会再出现的那种。 而身为朋友就是有需要时在你身边的那种。
有些朋友是情绪换得比天气转换还要快, 每天要看脸色和气象过日子, 一下子荷尔蒙失调就完全不理人, 问发生什么事又说没事。 有些还好, 过几天会自己跑来道歉求好; 有些竟然完全不自知, 装着若无其事, 可是受害者的心情要怎样当作什么事都没发生过?! 所以这种人少惹都好。
有些朋友在想追求你的时候, 好得像哥儿们, 追不到的时候也是失去联络, 再见不再是朋友, 还蛮可惜的。
有些朋友是他的烦恼是烦恼, 他的考试是考试, 他的压力才是压力, 他的没空是真的没空; 我的没空是还可以挪出时间陪他去吃饭??
有个朋友也很奇怪, 认识很多年了, 还说我们是重要的好朋友,可是每次看到我还是会手脚冰冷, 讲话声音颤抖, 很怕我会吃掉他似的, 结果我跟他见面都变得很有压力, 于是加以疏远 , 免得害得人家失心疯。
有些朋友是有困难的时候会找你, 平时人影不见一个。
有些朋友跟你出门会好像选美一样, 从头比到脚, 普通出门要穿到像去宴会吓??
曾经有个朋友因为一零吉的德士费怪我们约他去很远的地方, 一整天给我们脸色看, 我们还特地选近他多点的地点, 也是花了比他多的交通费从更远的地方来会合的说, 就这样, 那天是我最后一次见那个朋友。
以前小学中学的同学有些更无聊, 其实这类人到现在身边都还很多: 别人的考试成绩永远不可以比他们好, 因为会被讲:‘哇, 还讲没有读, 还考酱好!’; 他们的考试成绩好过别人的时候他们自己又静静不出声。
有个朋友更自私, 摆明了利用我。 他在澳洲留学寂寞我天天陪他聊天, 毕业了回来连通知都没一声!
有些朋友是表面很讲义气, 背后偷偷刺人两刀的那种, 如:打小报告, 煽风点火, 挑拨离间的,我不是不知道, 是不要揭穿而已。
当然, 以上的曾经的朋友大多数已经随岁月被过滤掉, 锁在记忆里了。 虽然如此, 还是有很多现在正在进行式的朋友, 细水长流, 有空就聚聚, 没空会惦记。 不需要常见面, 但每次见面都会很开心很珍惜的真正的朋友。
我们两个以前都属于朋友圈中的联系人, 什么喝茶聚会一定都是我们办的,或负责联络人, 因为以前我们都觉得朋友很重要, 总是会主动去与别人保持联络。
但人长大了, 现在我们也不约而同发现其实朋友不用很多, 合得来的, 交心的, 几个就够了。。 。
而当我们不再主动去约人的时候, 真正的朋友就自然被过滤凸现出来了。 会主动联络我们的才是真正把我们也当朋友的人, 还关心我们的朋友。不再联络的朋友我们都会慢慢地从电话联络簿中删除, 免得占位了!
现在饮茶, 聚会, 我们都也选择性的出席了。 因为要是我想见到某位朋友, 会自己约出来聚聚, 在人多的聚会里, 最后也是一群人一群人归类的坐在一起, 自己聊自己的, 没意思。
其实随着成长过程, 人生历练, 我自己也在慢慢改变中, 同时我身边的人也会一直在改变。 这个阶段遇到投契的人就在这个时候成为要好的朋友; 下一个阶段, 各自有了不同的人生目标, 各自分道扬镳。 我领悟到了, 好朋友不一定是永远的, 不适合的时候就应该看开点, 放开手, 让他人可以勇往直前。 这个时候适合就一起出去, 就珍惜大家在一起的美好开心时光, 假如不能长久, 将来分开了, 也是一段美好回忆。
我曾经有交过各式各样的朋友, 理念不同的就已经很少联络了, 还彼此珍惜的就还有常联络。
有些朋友是寂寞的时候会来找我们, 有了男女朋友后就会消失无影, 失恋了又会再出现的那种。 而身为朋友就是有需要时在你身边的那种。
有些朋友是情绪换得比天气转换还要快, 每天要看脸色和气象过日子, 一下子荷尔蒙失调就完全不理人, 问发生什么事又说没事。 有些还好, 过几天会自己跑来道歉求好; 有些竟然完全不自知, 装着若无其事, 可是受害者的心情要怎样当作什么事都没发生过?! 所以这种人少惹都好。
有些朋友在想追求你的时候, 好得像哥儿们, 追不到的时候也是失去联络, 再见不再是朋友, 还蛮可惜的。
有些朋友是他的烦恼是烦恼, 他的考试是考试, 他的压力才是压力, 他的没空是真的没空; 我的没空是还可以挪出时间陪他去吃饭??
有个朋友也很奇怪, 认识很多年了, 还说我们是重要的好朋友,可是每次看到我还是会手脚冰冷, 讲话声音颤抖, 很怕我会吃掉他似的, 结果我跟他见面都变得很有压力, 于是加以疏远 , 免得害得人家失心疯。
有些朋友是有困难的时候会找你, 平时人影不见一个。
有些朋友跟你出门会好像选美一样, 从头比到脚, 普通出门要穿到像去宴会吓??
曾经有个朋友因为一零吉的德士费怪我们约他去很远的地方, 一整天给我们脸色看, 我们还特地选近他多点的地点, 也是花了比他多的交通费从更远的地方来会合的说, 就这样, 那天是我最后一次见那个朋友。
以前小学中学的同学有些更无聊, 其实这类人到现在身边都还很多: 别人的考试成绩永远不可以比他们好, 因为会被讲:‘哇, 还讲没有读, 还考酱好!’; 他们的考试成绩好过别人的时候他们自己又静静不出声。
有个朋友更自私, 摆明了利用我。 他在澳洲留学寂寞我天天陪他聊天, 毕业了回来连通知都没一声!
有些朋友是表面很讲义气, 背后偷偷刺人两刀的那种, 如:打小报告, 煽风点火, 挑拨离间的,我不是不知道, 是不要揭穿而已。
当然, 以上的曾经的朋友大多数已经随岁月被过滤掉, 锁在记忆里了。 虽然如此, 还是有很多现在正在进行式的朋友, 细水长流, 有空就聚聚, 没空会惦记。 不需要常见面, 但每次见面都会很开心很珍惜的真正的朋友。
Ministry of Food-My Izakaya Japanese Restaurant & Cafe
Location: 2nd Floor (#02-45) Bugis Junction, Singapore

The bowl of white rice that comes with every set meal can be replaced by the Hot stone Unagi/Salmon/Pork rice by topping up another SGD5.00. And the above is Unagi. The small dices of unagi, dried seaweed and teriyaki sauce were mixed with the rice in the flaming hot stone bowl followed by a continuous stirring until crispy. Be careful of the hot food, you might get your mouth burn easily! It's really good taste anyway! Must not miss it.
Plain Soba (SGD6.80)
Green tea (SGD2.00)
The most thumbs-up desserts-- Kakigori!!! (SGD3.30) 5 flavors to choose from: Mocha (Green tea with red bean), Mango, Strawberry, Chocolate chips, Kinako (Red bean and soya bean powder). Each kakigori is topped with a vanilla sundae showered with flavored-syrup and the bottom is shaved snowy ice. Yummy....

Every seat of every tables in the restaurant are ready with a set of menu. The menu for desserts and beverage, the menu of ala-carte and set meals, and the menu of sushi collection. Each items in the menu are well described by pictures.
Plenty of tables here, tables for two, four, and groups. However, during lunch and dinner time, there are always not enough table for the long queue!
The Salmon Set (SGD19.80)
~ (clockwise from top right)Grilled teriyaki salmon fillet, pickled sour radish, fried karaage chicken in garlic soy sauce with the pot still flaming when served. Every set meal comes with a complimentary coffee or tea.


~ Soba noodles in the plain miso seaweed soup, simple and nice. Not oily, very good for appetite.


The most thumbs-up desserts-- Kakigori!!! (SGD3.30) 5 flavors to choose from: Mocha (Green tea with red bean), Mango, Strawberry, Chocolate chips, Kinako (Red bean and soya bean powder). Each kakigori is topped with a vanilla sundae showered with flavored-syrup and the bottom is shaved snowy ice. Yummy....
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